Monday, July 11, 2011

Ka-Dee-Anna is Splashed!

We have finally made our way to Northern Michigan. We flew into Detroit rented a car then drove to meet up with our daughter and granddaughter. It was great catching up with the two of them......long overdue.

 Ka-Dee-Anna was placed on the hard in heated storage for the winter and we headed back home to Anna Maria Island September of last year. Normally we would have started our journey on the Great Lakes by now. 

Well our lives have changed a bit since last year. We are empty nester's and our youngest daughter came home after finishing her freshman year of college. The Mom in me felt that we really needed to be home with her for at least a portion of her summer. I think Dad thought so too. Besides she is kind of fun to do things with.

Our launch was in Northport, Michigan a small northern town. A very small town where farming is the main income in the county (Cherry's, Grapes, Apples) A simple way of life where the local beauty shop doubles as the drop off site for the pharmacy. Once a week the Traverse City pharmacy drops off pre-ordered items. Then there is Barb's Bakery the locals hangout there every morning. Don't show up one morning and you will be the topic of conversation! Fun loving folks that are quick to lend a hand, share a story or offer advice. We have attached a few pictures of Northport so you can feel like you were along for the ride too.
A Classic Sits in her slip

Barb's is a must if your in town

The Antique Shop

A Colorful line up along the roadway

One classy front porch

Deanna & Adellia (our oldest Daughter & our Granddaughter)
Northport Marina

Northport Marina

The Old Train Station

Times Slippin' Away

We had a wonderful time in Northport and are heading for Traverse City from here.
Friendly Folks here in Northport, Michigan

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