Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Oh My Time Sure Flies When you're havin' fun

Oh so very true.....Time, life it all flies on by
This summer the months we travelled were very different than those of summers past. With Kadee just home from Calvin College for summer break; we just didn’t feel right leaving right after she got home I feel these are precious years not many of them left. Not to mention as I said earlier time flies! So we adjusted our schedule to leave a few months later. We enjoyed being home with Kadee and the warm summer temperatures weren’t to bad either; it also gave us time to plan a direction for this summers journey.

At the time all of this felt… well at least to me, that this was all so far off and that it would take forever not really knowing what to expect. You see the boat is kind of a catch 22 for me; I guess we need to get comfortable with the fact that it is ok to head home when we feel like we need some time at home. Then when that boat urge rises again, head back to the boat.

Yet now as I sit and type this I find it very bittersweet. From time to time I even tear up at the thought of it being on hold at least for now. I am looking forward to returning home for a while as it is time to see our family and visit with those friends back home. I guess that is why I am torn. Even while I work on this posting a few of the friends we made this summer are pulling into the marina; so we look forward to sharing tonight’s sunset with the flotilla of seven boats. Life truly is good.

We have had such a wonderful time this summer; we’ve met and made some good friends along this journey. Some that will come and go; then there are a few special ones that will continue to stay in touch. Boat cards are shared with some of the folks that you meet, filled with information to help you stay in touch like Couples names, boat names, a picture of the boat, blog sites, some even include cell phone numbers & email address so it is easy to keep in touch. We like to keep the cards we’ve collected in a sorted card file; we like to write on ‘em just where we first met to help us old duffers remember. Then when or if we continue to bump into each other it helps us to remember couples names. It’s kind of funny the boat names seem to be easier to remember; the faces go with the boat names real easy then after we meet a few times we all seem to share so many memories of travels. People traveling are very quick to be helpful things that frighten some come easy for others. Either with information on areas they have travelled or sources of information regarding places they live. In general human kind is a pretty helpful bunch when it comes right down to it.

We have visited many different places where we had the pleasure of experiencing the wonderful southern pride that we found so refreshing. The level of hospitality, respect & kindness for each other was touching. Most shared a reverence to God that shone through in their everyday lives. The pride they have for their families and their heritage humbles me. Then there were different views, breathtaking sunsets & sunrises, the smell of the cedar and cypress trees that were also decked out in their glorious colors, the musical talents of the Mussel Shoals area, the kindness of total strangers offering us their car keys because we didn’t have transportation other than our bike or boat; just because they felt we really needed to see more of “their” home town. The Sights and sounds of the Cities, so many different styles of homes, some stilted, some floating, some destroyed by the spring tornados. The rich history of the area, of slavery, of Helen Keller, Music, Architecture then there’s the construction by the TVA building the locks and dams moving complete town’s to other locations and a few I have forgotten to mention. We were blessed with the opportunity to meet people from many different areas and walks of life; to learn a few things from them. These memories will be with us and hold a special place in our hearts. I have a great deal of respect for them and the outlook they have on family, faith & they way they CHOOSE to live each day.

We also traveled waterways such as The Great Lakes, This summer we started our summer in Northport, Michigan a small harbor town near Traverse City. This was the location we “wintered” Ka-Dee-Anna at the end of last season. She’s quite spoiled as each winter she is put in a heated building; this year will be different though she will be moored in a slip in Alabama. We enjoyed some of our favorite Michigan ports; traveling as far north as Mackinac Island. There were so many wonderful towns, anchorages, and people. We spent some time with friends that live in Michigan we don’t get to see them as often since we moved south.

Then there was one very tragic event we came across. During The Chicago to Mackinac Sailboat Race; it is an incredible event filled with all of the emotions that not only racing brings but the challenges of the Great Lakes combined with the location of racing from Chicago to Mackinac Island. The race has taken place for over 100 years with no/ not one incident. As we passed under the Mackinaw Bridge at sunrise we began to meet the sailboats as they headed oh so close to the finish line. We waved to them and took pictures excited to see them as they passed oh so close to us; they waved back yet showed very little emotion. We were confused to see the somber crew as they passed under the Mighty Mackinac Bridge just a few short miles from the finish line. Not knowing about the accident the night before we wondered why there was no excitement. When we arrived at Beaver Island it all became so very clear of just why.  A race boat that was moored at the dock shared their story with us. They pulled out of the race; a fierce storm picked up as they came through the Manitou Pass on Lake Michigan. With lighting so blinding it was difficult to see; then huge winds came up so suddenly many sailors could not get their sails down quick enough. Their sails along with a few other boats were suddenly ripped from the mast. Then later that night came a mayday over the radio that a race boat had flipped completely upside down and two sailors were lost.  With the memories of the racers who lost their lives it made for a sad gathering at the finish line. Even with life’s tragedies life the race must go on.

The rivers system is the primary waterway we have posted about this summer. We left Northport, Michigan just a few miles North of Suttons Bay. We biked many of our favorite bike paths in Northern Michigan. After enjoying many of our favorite ports along the Michigan side of Lake Michigan then spending a long weekend with our kids, we then headed across Lake Michigan to Chicago. Wow what a city Chicago has so much to offer, the lakeshore bike path is wonderful, the arts, sports, we caught up with some of my family that lives there. Restaurants are second to none, Pizza now Chicago knows how to do pizza the one we ordered weighed about 18 pounds! In Chicago of course we enjoyed the city before we entered our first of many locks. The Chicago lock was a mere 1 ½ foot drop/lift then there was the Wilson Lock with its massive drop/lift of 93 feet.  We also passed through 27 locks in between; we even had two that we passed directly over the top of. Now that makes for some nervous feelings, when you hail the lockmaster and he says ah they’re down just go right on over em! River travel is very curvy and with the tow and barge traffic you must keep your eyes on the river. We also had many mornings filled with fog, this held us up until the morning sun burned it off.

 If you would like to see the areas we have travelled you can go to while you are there take a look at all of the navigable waterways, then keep in mind that this is only a portion of the U.S. waterways.

Then there were the different cultures we met “loopers” from Australia, Great Brittan, Africa, Canada and all over the U.S. of course; they shared with us the fact that this type of travel is pretty much non existent where they live and we really should understand just how lucky we are. Oh and the foods…. did you know they deep fry just about everything in the south! We even had deep fried bread, really and it was quite good too.  Oh and the Chicago pizza, the Southern B.B.Q, Not to mention Gumbo, whoa the Gumbo is awesome we even tried and loved Crawfish Gravy let me tell ya all of the above is some goooooood eatin’. Then some of the boaters cooked up foods from the area they live, good ole’ home cookin’….Really it’s no wonder there is some weight gain going on, oh well back to it once we are home.

We also enjoyed a few different churches we met many local people through out the towns we visited. Oh and Miss Alma let’s not forget her. Oh like that could ever happen. She is one very special lady she invited us to church with her; then home with her. She wouldn’t take no for an answer! Miss Alma made us Sunday lunch. She holds a special place in many hearts and continues to. She has so many stories to share one could sit and listen to her all day. The U.S. could learn a great deal from her; she has not a bad word to say about anyone.

We enjoyed many different anchorages; anchoring on rivers is not something we had done before. Some of the stretch’s between towns are just to long for us to make it and unsafe to travel in the dark. That makes it necessary for us to find safe coves to tuck in so that we are out of the way of the barge traffic.

This summer was filled with memories of so many great people, sights, smells, sounds and experiences. The feeling of seeing the northern lights when your anchored in a cove; where the lights of everyday cannot diminish their beauty. Waking up to the birds singing their little hearts out then climbing out of bed to see the suns reflection shine across the water. It may seem funny to those of you who haven’t experienced this but after a day of exploring the first beer of the day always tastes better if you earned it! And nothing tastes better than that fish you just caught or that rib eye you just grilled right after that first beverage. We are honored to have had you along with us in our travels and happy to have been able to share the beauty of what this area has to offer through our pictures. We so enjoyed learning that there are many different places people choose to live and just because someone lives in a home on a floating barge in a bayou doesn’t mean they’re gonna jump out and attack you. Or just because they live in a home in the country they must have farm animals or only have one good tooth.  Then there are the City folks well you get the idea. One thing is for sure a smile is one contagious ole’ thing when you receive one yah just can’t help but give it right back. Don’t you think the world just might be a kinder happier place if we all smiled more?  It doesn’t matter what kind of a house you live in, or what you do for a living a smile is a smile is a smile……..

So as we pack up our things to head back to the island yes we are excited to see our family and our friends but I must confess there will be a tear in our eyes as we see our boat in the rearview mirror. Ka-Dee-Anna will be secured in her slip in Fairhope, Alabama until we come back to her one day soon. As for our family and friends in Florida….HERE WE COME SEE Y'ALL SOON......Oh and for those of you who have the blog emailed to them if you go to this link all of the posts with photos even a little music mixed in are there; just sayin' 

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