Friday, December 2, 2011

Were Home

Well after a fun filled summer we have left the boat in Fairhope, Alabama loaded up the rental car and made the 10 hour trek home. We hope to return sometime this winter to move her further south. We really don't want to rush through the panhandle as we love to explore and would love to fish that area.
The drive home was much shorter than summers of the past, that was nice. We had a great Thanksgiving, most of the family was together and as usual way to much food filled the table. It felt good to see the kids and our island friends again.
It's funny how much you think about things like: On laundry day we don't have to haul three laundry sacks to the laundry mat and feed the machines quarters. Shopping for groceries and hauling them home is way easier as well. We get to take showers without turning the water on and off.....Ahhhhh
Our space seems so much bigger, that can be a draw back though. When we first got home I couldn't find anything in my kitchen, on the boat there are two cabinets so that was not a problem. Being away for a while gives you an entirely different perspective, outlook & appreciation for what you have. Not to mention it is wonderful to see all of the beauty that is out there. It always feels good to come home though.
Our family is busy getting ready for Christmas now and looking forward to having the family together a week or so. Merry Christmas to all of you 
Ed and Cindy

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