Monday, July 22, 2013

Brunswick to Savannah GA

We thought it was time to fill you all in on the locations & a few of the things we have been up to. Of course keeping you up to date with our pictures as well. We have been busy trying to fit in all of the "B's" :  Biking, Boating, Blogging with a bit of B.S. mixed in too...

We left you at Jekyll Island. What a great time it was a really good one day stop. Awesome bike trails that not only hit the coastal regions but the inner island as stuff. We ended up doing a few laps around over and through the island. Zig Zagging our way around the island. We made our way to the Driftwood beach at low tide. The folks here really recommend seeing it and low tide is really the best way. Our first trek through Driftwood beach was high tide and you can't see the driftwood.

Ok let's get back to what we've been up to. We have only been able to travel the outside route on one day this journey. The conditions have been rough so we have been taking the intra coastal route. It is calm however known for shallow water in many places. As we mentioned in our last postings we need to look ahead on the charts to see just how "skinny" the water is. If it is to shallow we need to arrive on an incoming tide.  We had one spot on the Mud River where we had to drop anchor and wait for the tide to come in we draw 5 feet. We knew this area had been an issue for deep draft boat's so we stuck in the middle of the channel playing the tide however we arrived a bit earlier than we had thought. We found we only had 4 1/2'  so we had to drop anchor and wait for the incoming tide, thankfully the tide was on it's way in. After about an hour we had enough water to make our way through. Oh Happy Dance as all was well on this journey,  the average tide for the Georgia coast is around 6 feet. It makes me have an entirely new emotion for floating docks: )

We waited for the tide to move us in the proper direction and then plotted a course for Brunswick. It was a nice short day, we only travelled 12 miles from Jeykll Island to Brunswick. On the journey there we passed a couple of Shrimpers working the inlet. So graceful as they pass through the inlet dragging their nets behind.

As we were getting KA-DEE-ANNA secured in her slip the Shrimper's themselves were making their way into the harbor. So naturally we thought we should head over to see just how they did and to see if they were willing to let us take some shrimp off their hands. They were up river about a mile from where we were moored. We chatted with them for a while & they indeed were willing to let us take home a nice bag a REALLY fresh!!!!!! Really, Really FRESH Shrimp. 

We enjoyed chatting with them & loved learning how their rigs work & what all goes into a days work for them. Shooting a few pictures & of course the fresh shrimp that we had for dinner too.

We had a great time in Brunswick, Georgia, I love going through every Antique store we come across & Brunswick had some really good ones. We biked around the city and spent time in the historic area, drooling over the beautiful architecture of the city & clearly seeing the pride the homeowners had.

After spending two nights in Brunswick we headed further north not quite making it to Savannah, we stopped at Killkenny Creek marina a small place about a mile or so up a creek. A nice quiet spot tucked up off the main river. We only spent one night here, in the morning we headed for the City wall town dock in Savannah, Georgia.

This summers journey is extra special because neither of us has ever been to any of these places. Savannah did not disappoint, in fact we had an awesome time. We toured the river front, learned that Savannah is the busiest USA shipping port that we have ever come through. With Shipping being Savannah's number 1, tourism came is as their number 2, I have a feeling trucking is their number 3!

What a fantastic City. We enjoyed the culture, tour's, seafood, history & last but for sure not least the people.

We currently are at Hilton Head, South Carolina. I think we will cover that in the next post.

There is oh so much more we could say, but instead of rambling let's let the photo's speak for us from this point.

I am going to try to add the photo/slideshow via you tube. If it does not work please let me know.

Have a wonderful day.
Ed & Cindy

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