Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Day on the water

Robyn, Ed and I headed out for a morning of Grouper fishing. It was a windy day with the gulf churning, however we tucked on the leward side of the island where we enjoyed a wonderful day of fishing. When we arrived at "Fish Camp" Alan was waiting for us. That has never happended before! We loaded our gear on the boat and headed out.
Ed was on fire today. He out fished both Robyn and myself. Ed had a total of three keeper Grouper in the box and Robyn had One........I on the other hand kept the nursery school fish out of their way so they could fish without being bothered with the smaller Grouper. Another words I had NONE in the box at the end of the day. We all did catch plenty of fish and had a wonderful time.
Robyn was very intertaining with her reeling style. (reel, reel, reel woman) EVERYONE who Grouper fishes has "a STANCE" and much of the time the Grouper is the one in control. It is tons of fun and a real challange. A word of warning (or two) Grouper fishing is VERY contagious....It is REALLY challanging & rewarding when you win not to mention TASTY.

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