Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grouper Fishing

Today was another beautiful day on the island. It was also a perfect day to be on the water!
Ed and I Grouper fished with Alan. We left the dock @ 7 am, off to catch bait first. Then we headed out to see just how hungry the Grouper were. The fishing was challenging with a catch of about 60 Grouper total. Some who grabbed what we had to offer, only to run into the rocks and break us off. Others who just didn't measure up to the state regulation size of 22 inches min. We did however have a awesome day of fun and fishing, we also brought home 6 nice big Grouper to share with family & friends : ) . After fishing we of course went to Rudy's for lunch, enjoyed the island, had dinner with the neighbors.......NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A GREAT DAY!

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