Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Traverse City & Charleovix, Michigan

Hello All, We arrived in Traverse City where we met up with Kadee. She has spent the past week with her best friend and now she is back with Mom & Dad.
We spent two nights in Traverse City. Ed and I enjoy riding our tandem and Traverse City has many trails, one of our favorite rides is from Traverse City to Sutton's Bay. Our favorite art gallery is close by so each time we travel this area we make sure leave enough time to stop in  (Michigan Artist Gallery in Sutton's Bay). We also enjoy Black Star Farms, it is a winery/ B & B and they also make their own cheese! A must stop for us and its just off the bike trail....Bonus!
The bike ride round trip from marina to Sutton's Bay is 40 miles. It is a mix of paved and dirt trails, they are very well marked. We enjoyed a filling breakfast in Sutton's Bay which always makes the ride worth while. We also purchased yet another colorful fish for our home.
In Traverse city a developer purchase an old Asylum from the State for one dollar. He then condo'ed it out to various businesses. We ate at a wonderful lunch/dinner place (Stella's) that was located in the cellar of the old Asylum. It was set up in intimate groupings where each table had a great deal of privacy and we couldn't help but wonder what happened inside these walls so many years ago.

We traveled the following morning north on Grand Traverse Bay to Charleovix. We spent two nights here as well. The first afternoon we checked out town and enjoyed dinner on the boat. Our second day we rode the tandem to Petosky for breakfast then back to the boat. We could tell rain was heading our way and we didn't make it back to Charleovix in time, oh well nothing a hot shower can't fix. We had a great ride again today. We returned showered and went into town shopping. The afternoon was filled with on and off rain, so I cooked lunch for tomorrow's run over to Beaver Island and caught up on laundry. I have attached a few of the photo's we took while visiting. We hope you enjoy.......

1 comment:

Yaya said...

Love following your adventures. Looks like all 4 of you are having a great time this summer! I'll be in your neck of the woods in July (Lake Michigan that is) so you've given me a great idea what to expect. Looking forward to your next post!