Monday, September 20, 2010

Canada's North Channel

Wow we find it is hard to believe we are in the tail end of September. We headed out of Traverse City into the Canadian waters of the North Channel.
We were hoping to be in time for the fall colors, however most of the colors have not appeared as of yet. We spent 10 days in Canada exploring some of our favorite anchorages. Most of the area we had all to ourselves. All of the places we chose to anchor were well protected from the winds that we encountered and we enjoyed a little hiking and some fishing. We did have a couple of days of rain that limited our time exploring in the dingy. The upcoming forecast look like more of the same with Gale winds coming in yet again! So we chose to head back into the good ole USA.
We pulled up anchor from our anchorage in the Benjamins and headed toward Cockburn Island where we planned on spending the night before we would clear customs back into the US. The forecast was for 1 to 3’s with a wind direction that would put them on our bow.
The morning started out nice and by 9 am the wind was at 30 knots gusting to 40 followed by rain and BIG waves, still of our bow thank goodness. However they had now built to 6 to 8 footers. With few options at this point we started looking over the chart for an Island to tuck into until the wind settled. We found a small island just about 8 miles from Meldrum Bay where we dropped the hook and sat for three hours.
The weather was not getting any better and we blew an impeller in the generator so that left us with needing to head to a dock. So we pulled up anchor and headed to Meldrum Bay, dang back into the BIG flippin waves!!!! Thank goodness it was only 8 miles (which took ONE HOUR).
Due to no traffic in the area the marina was closed, we tied up and called the phone number on the office and enjoyed dinner and a cold one and slept like a rock.
The next morning the water was flat Ahhhhh….. My favorite type of water : )
We made the run to Mackinac Island. An 8 hour day, tied up and enjoyed a walk around town and appetizers at the Mustang lounge.
As our trip comes to a close now we will hang out on the Island and wait for a weather window to make our way to a port somewhere in Grand Traverse Bay. If we have a weather window by Wednesday we will hit a couple more ports before our pull date of October 1st. If we are held up here then well we will have to just wait and see.
We are wintering her in Northport, Michigan which is in Grand Traverse Bay about 70 miles from our current location.
It was an awesome summer and as our time on the northern waters comes to a close mentally we are ready to head home.
We hope you have enjoyed following our journey as much as we have reliving it.
Can’t wait to see all of you real soon.
Sunrise heading out of Canada
Our Anchorage in Covered Portage
Frazer Hill
Hey we have signal up here!!!!
Heading out of Baie Fine (Bay Fine)
Heading into the Pool @ the end of Baie Fine
Nice Northern
Ed, Rolo & I on the top of Frazer HIll
Sunrise over Government Bay
Rolo was King of the mountain
Beautiful rainbow over Baie Fine
Covered Portage near Killarney, ON
Capt. Eddie pullin up anchor
Strawberry Island Light
Rolo Loves to help with the bow line
Swing bridge in Little Current, ON
Meldrum Bay Safe on shore
Ed & Cindy 

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