Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blog # 3

Blog # 3 Our cruising area for this posting is Leland, South Manitou Island & Frankfort, Michigan. Leland has a great deal of charm it is known as “Fish Town” by the locals. An old time Indian fishing village, where the local merchant’s combined with the efforts of the local residence worked and petitioned to save the historic fishing village from area developers. As you will see in the photo’s we took their efforts paid off tourism flourishes. A ferry runs from Leland harbor to South Manitou Island where camp sites and hiking trail weave through the island. It is currently maintained by the National Park Service. We explored town, walked the beach searching for the elusive Petoskey stone & rode our tandem to Glen Arbor. From Leland we headed over to South Manitou where we anchored in the cove for the rest of the day. We took the dingy over to the NPS dock and hiked the island trails & toured the lighthouse. The big lake was fairly calm so we ran out to a ship wreck around the outside of South Manitou. The birds have taken it over as their new home so we shot a few pictures and headed back to our boat. We spent the night in South Manitou with about 6 other boats. In the morning we decided to head toward Frankfort. A little fog had moved in however the lake was flat. Once underway we could tell we had about a mile and a half visibility. A few boats dotted our radar that is how we could tell. Once we cleared the shipping channel we were haled by a sail boat that lost its engine and main radio. We motored close to them and towed them to Frankfort. A very nice couple, once back at the dock we chatted for a while. They are from the Grand Rapids area vacationing in northern Michigan on their sailboat. During our time in Frankfort we did the usual walk through town. Rode the bike trail to Beulah for lunch, a sweet trail that runs along Crystal Lake and pops out in the small town of Beulah. One of the tall ships was in port so town was bustling, fisherman putts in and out of the harbor & I think half of Wisconsin is boating in the area this week. Groups of boats from Wisconsin have been packing into the marinas we have visited lately. Well the weather has been beautiful and the waves have been good to us so this morning we are sitting with our coffee in hand choosing just which port we would like to visit next  and as a friend of ours always says…..”And the day goes on.” Enjoy……………………..

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