Saturday, August 6, 2011

Post # 4 Aug. 6, 2011

Posting # 4
Ports of Frankfort, Manistee & Pentwater……………….

We had visited, biked, walked & ate enough in Frankfort. So after walking through the farmers market we decided to shove off for Manistee. A fellow boater that we had met in summers past recommended the new municipal marina there. We have not visited Manistee or Pentwater in quite sometime so we chose those two ports for our next stops.

We found Manistee to be Old and Sleepy. Beautiful architecture thorough out the town, we found it interesting how the main street followed the flow of the river. I took a picture of Main Street so you could see that. The marina was beautiful and there was a nice boardwalk along the river, we didn’t find much else to do in town so we chose to spend just one night.

We headed out early for Pentwater we moored at the municipal marina; it’s located right on the main drag in town. It’s a small marina and filled up every night we were there. Pentwater has changed a great deal in the 6 years since we have been here. For the better! We really enjoyed our visit here in fact we stayed 5 nights, I think that may be a record for us. We visited Don & Millie (snowbirds) neighbors of ours on 76th Street. They have been married for 60 years!!!! They are very sweet folks Don still sails with the Pentwater Yacht Club once a week. Millie’s health is slipping, Don is her full time care giver as she cannot get around without assistance. They are a joy to visit with; Don & Millie have so many memories & stories to share. They treated us to dinner at the yacht club followed by a concert in the park. Millie didn’t feel up to joining us however. The Yacht Club in Pentwater was more of a family setting than the stuffy atmosphere we have known Yacht Clubs to be. Maybe it was because we were with Don, you could tell the members care for him. Many asked about Millie.

While in Pentwater we enjoyed riding the Hart to Montague bike trail. It is the first rail to trail established in the State of Michigan. On our first ride we rode the entire thing 65 miles; boy does the first beer taste great after a day like that. On our second ride we rode it half way and enjoyed a stop at Country Dairy a farm that makes its own ice-cream, chocolate milk, cheese & so much more……

One thing that we find enjoyable is the folks we meet along the way, Pentwater is no different. We ended up meeting up with a few boats that we had come across earlier this summer. It is always interesting finding out where they had traveled, are headed & what they enjoyed about those areas. Interesting how each of us sees each port a little differently, I love that.

I had a birthday while we were in Pentwater. I share my birthday with my Aunt Shirley. She still reminds me that my Mom missed her birthday party that year because of me. I knew she has a cottage in Hart (about 15 miles from Pentwater) so I called her to wish her Happy Birthday. Well she happened to be home…. in Chicago that is! She is one crazy lady (must be the birth date) she jumped in her car and drove 4 hours to meet us. We had a great visit she gave us a tour of Silver Lake where the dunes are open to private buggies or you can take a commercial ride. We didn’t have time to take a ride so I guess we will just have to come back one day.

Well that pretty much covers that portion of our journey. We are currently on Lake Michigan heading toward Saugatuck.......And the Day Goes On........
Keep Smilin'

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