Friday, August 12, 2011

# 5

Post # 5

Leaving Pentwater, Michigan heading south to the port of Saugatuck……

Well I must confess we had a wonderful time in Pentwater. The town has changed a great deal since our last visit, for the better we think. Even though much of the town is somewhat touristy we had a great time. A good share of the activities we enjoy are outdoors, we biked, fished, shopped & visited the local restaurants. Once we felt we had done everything we had hoped to do during our visit we felt compelled to throw back the dock lines and head to our next port of call. We chose Saugatuck, a wonderful little town on the shores of Lake Michigan. With the bonus of the village of Douglas lying directly up river from it. Saugatuck has plenty of dock walking space for the folks who love having people check out their boats along the boardwalk. It also has a good deal of shops & nightlife, including summer shops along town blocks. A good mix of shops is sure to offer something for everyone along with a good meal. A waterfront gem along the east shores of Lake Michigan.

Douglas, the smaller sister village to Saugatuck offers a nice mix of art galleries, shops & fine dinning. Douglas has “cleaned” up over the years of our past visits. A treat to walk through not only the streets but the art galleries. We chose to dock in Douglas this visit due to the fact we will be here an extended visit. Our granddaughter is due to start kindergarten, we are also looking forward to catching up with family & friends we have moved away from during the past few years. We have spent a good deal of this week catching up with family & school clothes shopping with our oldest granddaughter Adellia. We had a great time school clothes shopping with her. Adellia will be entering kindergarten this fall, wow how time flies. We have had such a wonderful time with everyone we have visited not much longer and we all will be celebrating Labor Day!
Well seems I am once again having a tough time attaching pictures to this post & I don't have time right now to figure it out so sorry I guess you will have to wait until the next post. Enjoy the day I have a feeling its gonna be a good one : )

I have a few photo’s and I promise to post more after I get caught up enjoying Saugatuck......... & the day goes on……..

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