Monday, August 29, 2011

Post #6

Post #6

Well we have been home for a couple of weeks. We have had a whirl wind of fun packed into a short period of time. We have enjoyed spending lots of time with friends, I find it funny how most of our visiting time involves eating & drinking……

We not only enjoyed our time with family & friends we biked, fished, swam & sweated a lot as the weather has been quite warm. We really Loved it. Not tough to see why we moved here. There is always something to do & someone to do it with. Not to mention the weather the lows have been in the mid 80’s with highs in the mid 90’s.
The gulf waters have been bouncing between 88 to 92* it feels fabulous. The pool has been a consistent 90* it feels so good after a real good sweat to just fall in.
We truly love island life you can bike, walk or take the Gem car anywhere. One gets spoiled real fast living here.

Rolo had his 6th Birthday this week and Kadee is trying to get into College mode. I find it hard to believe she is starting her second year away at College. She claims the toughest part of being at Calvin College is the fact that it is located in Michigan and the weather there is just well in her words just not acceptable during the school year : ) Ed and I are looking forward to spending the Labor Day weekend with all three of our children and both of our granddaughters. We will all be in Saugatuck, Michigan for the weekend. So the next post will be from there.

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