Saturday, September 10, 2011

Post # 6

Post # 6

Wow so much has happened since our last post. We left our boat safely tucked in a slip in Douglas, Michigan. We flew home where we jumped back into our home routine. We rode our tandem on our normal Saturday morning ride, where we enjoy catching up with our friends in Bradenton. We headed off shore and did a little fishing. We enjoyed many dinners with good friends. It feels like we packed in loads of fun stuff.

Our daughter & her dog flew back to Michigan with us this trip. She starts her sophomore year at Calvin College. After we get her moved in we will head to the boat for a weekend of fun with all of the kids & both granddaughters.

The weather was beautiful however it did turn cold on Sunday. We had a wonderful time together, we did the tourist thing. We took the paddle wheel boat ride & rode the chain ferry. Food well I think we consumed way to much food for what seemed like the entire weekend! We walked & walked, hit some of the shops & ate our way around the Saugatuck area. Ed & I feel very blessed to have our family for the weekend. The kids have now gone back to their lives. So now its back to whatever normal is for us.

Because we spent a couple of weeks in the west Michigan area we used Kadee’s car. She left it up here after classes finished last year. So we were able to take our oldest granddaughter school clothes shopping. Adeilla is going into kindergarten this year. She is very fun to shop with, fun, fun, fun. I did a little fishing up the river from our boat & yes I did catch some…..bass & northern’s. I let them all go, I enjoy catching them & if we’re not gonna eat them we let em go.
We rode our tandem to Holland & left it at the bike shop for a couple of days as it needed LOT’s of work done on it. We figured it was long over due for the “big stuff” to be taken care of on it. They have rental bikes there so we rented one so we could get back to Saugatuck where our boat is.

Well after being held up in Saugatuck due to high winds we are chomping at the bit to move onward. Our next stop is Chicago. The big lake is just churning with the winds coming out of the north the forecast was for 7 to 11 footers!!!!! On Friday morning the near shore forecast looks good so we decided to head to South Haven. It is the next port south of us, a nice little town. Once we arrive there we see the outside of the boat is really filthy so we give her a good scrubbing’. Then we walk into town for a coffee & a sweet treat. After putts up the river we check the forecast and find that tomorrow is our weather window to head to Chi-Town so after dinner its to bed early because we will want to head out before sun up.

Our next blog post will most likely be from Chicago. Oh on another note……The pictures on the Blog Postings, if you CLICK on the photos it will link you to Picasa and there is a slide show of many pictures for you to enjoy, if you would like.

Enjoy the beauty around you… is there, you just need to……………………………………


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