Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A lot Happens in a Year

It has been quite sometime since we last have written. It has been a wonderful year filled with a great deal of blessings in our family. Our oldest daughter married this fall and they are now expecting a baby. Our youngest daughter is continuing her studies at Calvin College & working in Michigan as well. Our son and his family have moved to the Island and they are working on building they're future.
Ed & I have travelled in our trawler and in our last post we left KA-DEE-ANNA in Stuart, Florida where we had her for sale. She sold and travelled on a ship to Australia where her new owners will travel with her.
It has been about twelve months since we placed the order for our new KA-DEE-ANNA she arrived January 8th 2013. She made the trek from Taiwan to Fort Lauderdale, Florida where she was off loaded. Due to the time of day she was splashed we spent the night in Fort Lauderdale and made the run north to Stuart in the morning. We were allowed to ride to Stuart on her however we did not spend the night on her just yet. The run from Lauderdale to Stuart took about 8 and a half hours we took the outside route which just means we were on the Ocean not the inter-coastal waterway.  There were sea turtles and lots of flying fish, bird and very few other boats out and about. The wave conditions were rolling pretty good the seas were about 6 to 8 feet a good part of the time hitting us in the beam (side) we had the opportunity to enjoy stabilizers for the very first time. Oh I do believe I Love stabilizers....
Because the dealer has not turned her over to us just yet we were not allowed to drive however we sure did enjoyed having the chance to ride to Stuart. KA-DEE-ANNA will stay in Stuart for about another month before Kadey Krogen will let us take her for our own.
The Alaskaborg delivered KA-DEE-ANNA to Ft. Lauderdale

Getting everything just so before lifting her off her cradle 

Up, Up & toward her first splash

And into the water for the very first time


Heading out of Fort Lauderdale for our first boat ride

1 comment:

Elfie and Bill said...

A fine craft, very impressive. Congratulations!