Sunday, April 7, 2013

KA-DEE-ANNA heads north on the gulf to the panhandle

Well, Well I guess it is time to get back to posting on our blog. Blogs are a beautiful thing if you on the other end only want to look at the pictures you can, if you want to skip the entire writing you can do that too. For those of you who would like to read on, the rest of you we hope to catch up with you soon take care & enjoy your day. 

We have had many exciting things happening in the past few months. Our youngest daughter was home for her spring break from Calvin College. Our Oldest daughter & her daughter (our oldest Granddaughter) came to visit for a few days and our son and his family have moved to Anna Maria Island. Oh I must not forget we are also expecting two new grand babies! Whooo Hoooo

We took delivery of the new KA-DEE-ANNA in March and set our course for Anna Maria Island. Our route left from Jenson Beach, Florida and headed up the St. Lucie River through Stuart, Fl across Lake Okeechobee visiting a few of the small towns along the way. We traversed the locks along the Okeechobee waterway and "popped" out on the gulf side of Florida in Fort Myers. From there we took the inside route winding our way through the intra coastal from Fort. Myers to AMI. 

This gave us a wonderful opportunity to get use to the boat, to develop questions and to just get comfortable with the new boat. She is very different from our old trawler. The old KA-DEE-ANNA was a 37 Foot Trawler with a beam of 13 a draft of 4.5 feet & a single engine with a bow thruster. She had one generator no stabilizers. 
The new KA-DEE-ANNA is a 52 foot trawler with a beam of 18 feet a draft of 4.5 with twin engines, two generator's & stabilizers, bow & stern thrusters. So much more for us to learn.

We chose a mix of anchoring and marina's on our journey home. Feeling like we were learning the entire way yet also feeling like we have a long way to go.

After enjoying the spring break season with our kids and grand kids we headed out for Apalachicola, Florida. We passed through this area last year and had such a wonderful time we just knew we needed to head back.

We left Anna Maria island around 4 o'clock in the afternoon arriving in Apalachicola 5 o'clock the following evening. The journey was uneventful, we enjoyed a beautiful sunset, about a half of a moon, and a beautiful sunrise. We saw a couple of work boats and one sail boat. The gulf was kind to us, the wave conditions were 1 to 3 footers with a little rain mixed in. When cruising for a long distance we choose to do short shift changes with the one "off" shift sleeping in the pilot house as well. This keeps us close just in case assistance may be needed. 

When we approached East pass between Apalachicola and Carrabelle there were dolphins waiting to preform in our wake for us. We tied up at Miller dock located directly downtown Aplach. We were exhausted and decided to head into town for Oysters & brew then so ready to call it a day.

We had a blast in Apalach. taking the dingy up the creek exploring, shopping, biking & learning a great deal about the culture & history of Aplachachicola. 

We decided to leave Aplachaicola on Sunday afternoon and head up river to spend sometime doing what I so love to do.....gunk holing....or exploring the back waters looking for cool looking stuff. Now this can consist of rock, wood they can even be old discarded items, you could say recycling at its finest! Tomorrow I hope to lower the dingy and head out in search of cypress knees, knot holes, submerged logs and such wonderful things of sort.........

Crazy silly stuff, I hope you enjoy the photo's and they tell you some sort of a story or our journey. The photos are from AMI to Aplachachicola.

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