Friday, July 5, 2013

Back on the move

Our last post we had left KA-DEE-ANNA in Stuart, FL to have a few of the items that came to light during our "shake-down" cruise taken care of.  Then of course there are always those additional items that you find you just can't live without. Like a sun shield on the aft deck, oh and the rest of the electronics we had ordered, that at last arrived.

With us leaving KA-DEE-ANNA on the east coast of Florida we head home to the Gulf coast where conveniently American Red Snapper season opens. Not bad timing eh!

We were able to fish & get caught up with land life back home all while the boat was being tended to, a pretty good series of events in my mind. Ben & Keren's family & project continue to grow and make forward progress. Brad & Deanna moved into their first home & are anxiously waiting for the arrival of their second daughter. Kadee & Rolo are running, working & taking summer classes,  ah so busy with life.

After a couple of weeks we began to get restless! Our son tease's us that we are getting "land-legs" so it must be time for us to head back out . 

On June 28 we head back to Stuart and make plans to work our way up the intra-coastal north. We went a bit faster.....not speed but distance, than what we normally would like to.

The weather was your typical summer, afternoon rain stuff. I guess what that means or at least what it ended up doing was raining on us each afternoon when we came in to dock.

We worked our way from Stuart (taking the inside route due to the storms out over the Ocean) to St. Augustine. After pushing to get to St. Augustine we will stay put here to enjoy the area and our time with Kadee & Rolo. 

Oh I guess I left that part out while chatting with Kadee this past week Ed & I told her how much we use to enjoy sitting on the fly bridge together watching fireworks. It came up that we wished she could just come on down for a long weekend. Wow to all of our surprise it worked out  : ).

It was good to spend the 4th together, in a warm climate too. Now we look forward to enjoying St. Augustine together.

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