Friday, August 9, 2013

The Dismal Swamp.....Amazing Beaufort, North Carolina

Below you will find information to the area where a great deal of the photo's were taken.  We are having a great time traveling through this area; so glad we took the Dismal Swamp route even though the water depth was scary at times. The story goes: "Often noted & dually quoted we aware of things that go bump". The logs are submerged and with the mirror imaging it is very difficult to see them, not to mention you really cannot go around them! 

If you would like to know more about the pictures feel free to email me I will explain them further. 
We hope you all are enjoying your summer as well. 

We are currently moored in Portsmouth, Virginia. We will leave KA-DEE-ANNA here for a week or so while we head up to Michigan to meet the newest addition to our family. Riley Anne Allar a beautiful new granddaughter. Feeling very blessed.
Ed & Cindy


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