Monday, June 21, 2010

Mackinac Island

We left our slip on Beaver Island at 6 am headed for Mackinac Island. The morning was beautiful, actually it couldn't have been any more perfect. The water was flat like glass and the sun was working on making it's appearance in the horizon. Ed and I enjoyed our coffee while we motored north. Kadee & Rolo enjoyed sleeping in of course. The water was so calm that when the sun cleared the horizon it made for fabulous  reflection photos. Grays Reef is filled with various styles of light houses to mark the shipping channel. The water is so crystal clear and smooth today is was eerie you could see the rocky bottom as we passed through 30 foot of water! Visibility was about 10 miles as we could see the many light houses and the bridge is the distance. A truly perfect day to travel.
We passed under the Mackinac Bridge and made our way to Mackinac Island where we will spend 4 or 5 days. This is one of our favorite stops as we love to bike and Kadee loves to ride horses, great mix something for everyone. This weekend is also Lilac Festival & Fathers day two very popular venues on the island. Complete with a parade.
I felt compelled, torn, driven to return home to Anna Maria for a few days. See my best friend has been struggling with a few things so I headed back home for a couple of days unknown to anyone back home except one close friend. That is another entirely different story however. So this left Kadee & Ed to enjoy fathers day just the two of them. As I write this I know they attended the Little Stone Church this morning and the fathers day parade in the afternoon. Tomorrow they are hoping to head out horseback riding. I will have to leave this post at that for now. I hope you enjoy viewing the island as much as we did visiting it. As always you will find more photos of our trip at

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